Schedule Tasks Using Gnome-schedule (A cron & at GUI) in Ubuntu

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Gnome-schedule is a grapichal user interface to ‘crontab' and ‘at', both used to schedule tasks. It supports periodical tasks and tasks that happens once in the future. It is written in python using pygtk.

Gnome-schedule also supports titles and icons for your tasks so that they are more easily to keep track of. And you can create templates so that you won't have to create the same task again and again. So that if you want to schedule a virus check at 03:00 today, you can save it as a template and choose it from an dropdown box when you want. Or want to compile the kernel.. again.. at 00:00. This is saved in gconf and may easily be shipped with each distribution.

Gnome-schedule features

-- If run as root you can edit any users ‘crontab' and ‘at' tasks.

-- A parser that translates ‘crontab' entries into human readable strings like ‘Every hour' and not ‘0 * * * *' which might seem confusing to some.

-- An applet where you from an dropdown menu can choose to add a task, manage tasks and get help.

-- You can choose to use advanced mode which will display the tasks in a different way, where you can see the ‘crontab' entries like you are used t

-- As mentioned you can set a title and an icon for tasks.

-- Create templates like ‘Virus check' or ‘Compile kernel'.

-- Predefined common expressions like: every minute, every week, tomorrow, next week.

-- You may use an calendar to browse for the day you want a task executed.

Install Gnome-schedule Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule

This will complete the installation.

Using Gnome-schedule

If you want to open this application Go to Applications--->System tools--->Schedule

Once it open you should see the following screen

If you want to schedule new task you need to click on new tab Now you need to select one option displayed on the screen and click ok

If you want to schedule task using Basic view enter all the fields and click ok

If you want to schedule task using Advanced view enter all the fields and click ok

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17 Responses

  1. AptlyNamed says:

    Thanks for the article! Just a small correction: ‘sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule’ in lowercase, not Gnome-schedule.

  2. admin says:

    thanks for your notice i have updated in main article

  3. Nat says:

    Just installed it. When I tried to launch from System Tools menu it spun its gears for a bit then stopped. Ran it from terminal and got the following error message:

    SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character ‘\xc2’ in file /usr/share/gnome-schedule/ on line 99, but no encoding declared;

  4. Ethan Cane says:

    Just installed and it does not work correctly.

    Unable to modify the task properties once the task is created.


  5. hatmal says:

    i download the schedule by the command:
    sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule

    then i found it at Applications—>System tools—>Schedule as above.

    i try to run some perl program every i minute or what ever.

    any way i try to doing it at the schedule but nothing happened.
    i dont know where is the problem.
    please if any one can help me.

  6. james says:

    how can i stop a program which is running???

  7. admin says:

    Try to find the program service start daemon and check using ps -ef from your command prompt.You can kill once you have pid

  8. Vitaliy says:

    Hello How to execute commands every 11 seconds?

  9. Bibin says:

    Great! ‘Schedule 2.1.1’ works very well for me. In ‘Ubuntu 10.04’ I use ‘Transmission 1.93’ to download torrents at certain preset time.

    To start the command is:”transmission”
    and to stop the command is:”killall transmission”
    (NOTE: select X application in both the cases or else it wont work.)

  10. Bibin-SOLVED says:

    Further, to my post above. ‘Transmission 1.93’ that I was talking about, already has a scheduler built in. Go to Edit->Preferences-> Speed Tab. Select the start/end time and days.

    Have fun.

  11. ozan says:

    hi, can this programe be used for auto hybernate and auto start in a given time?
    if yes, than how?

    if not, do you know such a thing?



  12. Nikos says:

    How to schedule a weather web-cam image? What is the command i need ?

    Thanks in advance

  13. Raymond says:

    Hi. I am using Gnome Schedule 2.1.1
    How do I remove a template I created by accident?

  14. Dave says:

    I guess you replace “ls” in the command box with something else, but what ? How do you run libreoffice-calc with a particular file ?

  15. Rodrigo says:

    Hello I want to install the KCRON, Could you help me please? I´m using UBUNTU and/or Debian. thks

  16. Yuga says:

    what is actual use of this tool in real life?

  17. Karthik says:

    I Followed your procedure but in my machine. I’m getting error like this below.

    sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    E: Unable to locate package gnome-schedule

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